Poems I Wrote in 2024
Originally I thought I would post all my poems in one post, but since there’s a pretty long gap between the poems I posted in 2023 and the poems I posted in 2024, I decided to split them up. Once again if you want to keep up with any new work that might come out…
Poems I Wrote in 2023
I don’t write poetry a lot but I have posted a few on my fediverse/Mastodon account in the last two years. So I figured I would put them all together as a sort of recap. You can find 2023 on this page and 2024 here. I’ve been hard at work trying to get funding for…
Bags of Fat: A Play by J. L. Pichelski
On the 27th October, I will be holding a free rehearsed read through of my new play Bags of Fat, at Camden People’s Theatre in London. I am looking for audience feedback and reactions so feel free to come if you’re interested. I’m eager to get this story out to people! For more information as…
Tower Hill
It’s been a while since I’ve had anything to share, the pandemic has changed a lot of things for me, one of them being a lot of London theatre technicians have left the city, leaving a lot more work for the technicians who were able to stay. So while this bittersweet to say, I have…
Purple Cliffs
In my last post, I mentioned that I had been trying to learn Unity, and I realised that I have never actually shown anything that I made in that engine. So here’s something. It’s very short and doesn’t really have any story but I had fun making the shaders and animating the character in Blender.…
The Curtain
A while back I used Môsi to make a little game called Old World. Now I’ve got another one for you. This is The Curtain. You can play it on Itch.io by clicking the play button below. Just like last time, use the arrow keys to control the character. The Curtain by J. B. Pichelski
Lost Phone: A Zoom Play by J. B. Pichelski
While in lockdown I’ve been trying my best to keep up with writing. I’m now really excited to announce that my next play will be hosted on Zoom! It’ll be a short play about trans-allyship with a discussion at the end of it. Click here for more details on the show as well as how…
Bug Count
I’ve been working on a new coding project this month. Here’s a new game I made for the TeenyTiny DragonRuby MiniGameJam. All you have to do is count how many bugs (green squares) are on the screen and click on the correct answer. It’s very simple but it does get progressively harder the more you…
Nirvana Mall
While in lockdown, I took part in a 24 hour playwriting challenge organised by Emberfly Theatre. The theme they gave us was ‘Utopia’. I had 12 hours to write a short monologue based around that theme before it was given to an actor to perform on camera. My monologue, Nirvana Mall, was performed by Hannah…
New Header Image
Since I came out as transgender, I’ve felt that my old header image by Abbigayle Bircham no longer fit who I am as a person, so I’ve had a new banner which I commissioned from artist and video game developer Alayna Butterfly. (@fluttergirly on Twitter) I really liked the original consept and I’m glad that…